

Are you a migraine sufferer? Do headaches affect your daily life, including work, family and social life?  Be assured you are not alone.  Migraine is the third most common disease in the world (behind dental caries and tension-type headache) with an estimated global prevalence of 14.7% (that’s around 1 in 7 people).

Understanding Migraine

This is a type of headache where the pain is usually throbbing, pulsating and bursting in character. Migraines are specific to the sufferer.  The pain can be one sided or involve the whole head.  In some cases, may alternates sides or travel from the base of the neck to the face.

Symptoms of Migraine Headaches

As I mentioned above, the symptoms are specific to the sufferer.

The symptoms of migraine are –

  • Pain may last for hours or even days.
  • It is episodic in nature. The pain happens every once in a while, with frequency varying from patient to patient. There are often long periods when there is no pain.
  • As mentioned earlier, the pain may be throbbing or pulsating.
  • Nausea and vomiting is often present along with other symptoms.
  • At the same time, sensitivity to light and sound increases. One is unable to bear light in any form, that is natural or artificial. The medical term for this is photophobia. Patients prefer being in the dark rather than bear any light.
  • Some patients feel relief after sleeping while others may not feel so.
  • In some cases, warning symptoms like flashes of light, temporary blindness or tingling sensation in the limbs precede the pain. This is the aura of the headache. Some patients get such aura or warning signs while most of the patients do not have any such aura.

What causes Migraine or Headaches

While the medical profession do not know the exact cause of migraine headaches, there are a number of factors which trigger headaches.

  • The most common trigger is stress. This may be due to any reason. Mental stress triggers headache in almost all of the patients.
  • Other triggers include going out in the sun. It is a very common factor that triggers headaches.
  • Dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance.
  • Improper sleep can also cause an episode of migraine.
  • Another common trigger is staying hungry more than usual. Disturbance in eating routine of a patient can cause headache.
  • Food intolerance or caffeinated foods can be associated with migraines.
  • Loud noise is also another common trigger.
  • Females may get it just before or during menses or during the menopause.
  • Whiplash or an injury to the spine.

Long term Relief for Migraine Headaches Opposed to Treatment or Pain Relief

Most migraine sufferers will have consulted their GP and have been prescribed painkillers that may have initially provided some relief.   Over time the strength of the medication has to be increased to reduce the intensity of the headache. In some cases, anti-emetic medication is also prescribed to alleviate vomiting that accompanies the migraine.

There is a difference between getting relief and finding a long-term solution. I often get patients who have been taking painkillers for years altogether to get relief from migraine headaches. Such medications are just that - painkillers that provide temporary pain relief. The headache becomes a part of their life. They learn to live with the regular pain. It is difficult for them to even imagine that there can be a cure for migraine. They cannot even think that one day they will be able to lead a normal life, completely free from headaches.

But this is before they consider consulting a homeopath who will look at the problem holistically to establish the underlying cause and start the process of resolving migraine headaches. Once they overcome the mental barrier and start using homeopathy in conjunction with herbs, nutrition and dietary supplementation, it is just a matter of a couple of months and they start forgetting that they used to have migraines. The body is amazing at healing itself when given the appropriate resources.

Managing Migraines the Natural way

In addition to homeopathy, many natural medicine approaches can help to both prevent and treat migraines. Most are individualized to the person and should be recommended—both the item and the dosages—by a ­reputable provider. Some approaches that I use with migraine patients include:

Proper hydration. The actual amount of fluid necessary varies from person to person based on constitutional type, activity level, and other dietary considerations, but for many people, being adequately hydrated is essential and can make a big difference.

Stress is usually a major trigger of migraines.  Magnesium is the first supplement to consider when managing migraines as it is a natural relaxant.

Vitamin B Complex. The B vitamins are important for neurological and brain function.  I often suggest taking a multi vitamin and a B Complex as a preventative measure.

Stress Reduction. I ­suggest trying techniques like biofeedback, massage, breathing exercises and other stress reduction approaches, such as mindfulness meditation. Regular exercise should not be forgotten. I generally recommend these techniques as a preventive way to reduce a person’s overall stress level; but some people can use these tools to good effect ­during a migraine.

Epsom Salt Baths – Epsom salts baths and essential oils are a great way of pampering ourselves whilst receiving the health benefits.  Epsom salt contains  important minerals including magnesium that are readily absorbed through the skin.

Electrolyte Rebalance – Headaches can be an indicator of an electrolyte imbalance especially when there is an intolerance of the sun.  When we sweat the body excretes salt and electrolytes.  A Himalayan Salt Sole is shown to be highly effect for rebalancing mineralization in the human body and helps stabilize pH for a healthier acid-alkaline balance.

My Story

The first migraine that I personally suffered from was a result of spending too long in the hot sun and becoming dehydrated. These days headaches are very rare with stress generally being the trigger.  Patients regularly come to my clinic seeking help with migraines and no one individual will suffer the same symptoms.  My own experience of how debilitating migraines can be ensures that the greatest care is given to help them on the road to recovery.


Post-viral fatigue is where you aren’t able to shake off the effects of having an illness such as a cold or the flu. It seems that with the current virus that is circulating some individuals are struggling to recover from the effects and has been given the label of long Covid.  One day they feel better, try to function normally but then the symptoms return leaving them with no choice but to spend the next few days back in bed. If you are struggling to return to your normal level of health and energy levels in the weeks following the onset of the symptoms of coronavirus the most likely cause is that your immune system has been compromised and is now depleted.  There are links between long term stress, fatigue and immunity, understanding these connections can be the starting point to rebuilding your immunity.

In such cases it is important to take a holistic approach. In my busy homeopathic practice, I have helped many people with low immunity and fatigue.

The connection of Stress, Fatigue, and Immunity

We live in a world of constantly being stimulated by texts, emails, phones calls from work, family and friends.

Every time you need to do something quickly or urgently your brain sends signals to your adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands immediately produce ‘stress’ hormones (adrenalin and cortisol) that make you want to rush around and get things done.

Our bodies were designed to do this occasionally but not 24/7.

We originated from being hunter-gatherers and in so many ways we have evolved and benefit from modern technology but when it comes to stress our bodies still respond in the same way.

When we were out hunting for food, if threatened we might have needed to act quickly to protect ourselves by either fighting or running away (the fight or flight response).

Today there seem to be so many demands on our time and deadlines to be met.  Working long hours seems to be the norm.

The impact on our health is often:

  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Poor

Thus, if we are stressed over a long period of time, we become run down so that when we do catch a cold or flu it can take longer to recover.

Yes – there is a connection of Stress, Fatigue and Low Immunity

The pressure of work can take up a lot of energy and emotional stress is draining.

Then there are the issues at home, arguments, relationship breakups, friendship betrayal, family stress, divorce, abuse, bereavement and loss which can really affect your well-being.

Separating emotional and physical health is impossible.

When we are busy or stressed it can be hard to take care of ourselves.

Your favourite cup of coffee might replace a lunch. There is not enough time to eat the right food or get enough sleep.

A car needs fuel and oil to run efficiently.  A bit like a car we need the right food and rest to function effectively.

The body starts to struggle when the fuel gauge is on empty and starts using any remaining resources to simply keep going.

When the resources are low the body can’t carry out essential ‘repairs’.

Guess what, that’s normally when we start to feel unwell and get sick.

We all catch a cold occasionally and usually feel better within a few days.

But if the cold drags on leaving you with a cough that lasts for weeks, your immunity if is low.

Likewise, one virus or infection can follow another and that’s when your body is telling you that your immune system is struggling.

Getting an infection, such as a UTI that requires treatment with antibiotics, can have a negative effect on your natural gut microbiome.

This can contribute to digestive issues or even thrush which is another sign of low immunity.

If you continually feel fatigued, your hormones might not be happy possibly contributing to weight gain, over time you might have noticed that you have experienced hair loss.

Simple ways to help reduce short-term fatigue

Here are 4 simple steps that make a difference quickly:

  1. Pay attention to your sleep routine.
  2. Try to simplify your life. What can you say no to.
  3. Eat more fresh food to support your gut microbiome.
  4. Spend time outside in nature.

My Approach

My approach to low immunity includes homeopathy and botanical remedies.

Good nutrition is vital and encourage the consumption of seasonal fresh food. Supplements and vitamins can be useful.

Deficiencies in nutrients such vitamin D3, B vitamins or iron can be underlying causes of fatigue. Therefore, I will always look at diet and nutrition.

Stress can deplete the body of magnesium. Indicators of magnesium deficiency can be painful periods, insomnia, muscle tension and migraines.

Medical drugs and antibiotics, prescribed by your GP, can have impact on your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, and this does include the pill

Post-viral fatigue can contribute to chronic fatigue particularly when stress is a contributing factor over a long period of time.

When treating chronic fatigue it is important to look for underlying causes, especially emotional stress, including grief and trauma.

We are all different and to rebuild immunity and resilience to stress you need to look at a person holistically.

Remember – our bodies are amazing!

We have incredible powers of resilience

The body knows how to heal itself

We are born with a strong or weak constitution

But we can strengthen or weaken what we were born with

If you are affected by any of the issues that I have touched on and would like to find out more please get in touch by completing the contact form or giving me a call on 07709 227779.  I know how important it is to find the right person to work with. That’s why I offer a free 30-minute call to help you find out. I look forward to hearing from you.

Natural Solutions for a Healthier You. Finding Balance, Feeling Better, Living More.


Are you struggling with hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, waking up in the early hours of the morning and not able to get back to sleep? Is the amount of hair you find on your pillow each morning that’s a cause for concern?  In some cases it might be hair growing in the wrong place (chin) that’s a cause of embarrassment.  The most likely explanation for any of these issues is a hormone imbalance.    Women going through the menopause may unwillingly recognise some of these issues and in some cases find the symptoms intolerable.  Pre-menstrual tension can be equally tough due to bloating, painful periods and mood disturbances. In both cases, your family and friends may be aware of you are not your usual, happy self.  You don’t have to continue to suffer. The good news is that hormones can be balanced naturally with some simple solutions.

Most women are aware that there are two main hormones involved with their monthly cycle, oestrogen and progesterone.   Some of the indicators of when there is too much of one and not enough of the other are provided below:-

Too much oestrogen

Not enough progesterone

Mood swings

Fertility problems


Low libido

Premature aging

Anger, irritability

Early miscarriages

Increased body fat

Breast problems

Memory loss


Thin bones, osteoporosis


Poor concentration



Falling hair

Suppressed testosterone

Heart and circulatory issues

Quite often nutritional deficiencies can contribute to some of these problems.  Do you crave chocolate or experience muscle cramps?  Amongst other things, this is a key indicator of magnesium deficiency.  Magnesium is an amazing supplement and a natural relaxant (including tense muscles).  Magnesium suppresses the parathyroid hormone and stimulates calcitonin, it helps put calcium into our bones, preventing osteoporosis and helps remove calcium from our soft tissues thus eliminating some forms of arthritis.  When low in magnesium the body will rob calcium from the bones.  Believe it or not, taking a calcium supplement to alleviate a calcium deficiency is pointless if there are insufficient levels of magnesium.  The body requires a ratio of 2:1 calcium to magnesium.  Good sources of magnesium are spinach, swiss chard, broccoli, kale, avocado, brazil nuts.

During the perimenopause, the adrenal glands start to take over the production of oestrogen from the ovaries which explains why at this point in their life some women start to feel unusually anxious.    Understanding what our bodies are doing and the reasons why we are experiencing such symptoms can help.   Another reason why magnesium is such a useful supplement is that it is a natural body calmer.  Some might even go as far as calling it a natural tranquiliser.  This would be one of the first supplements that I would consider for a client suffering from panic attacks or sleep issues.

Holistic therapists sometimes call the thyroid “the emotional gland”.  When we suffer a major upset or are continually stressed the production and conversion of thyroid hormones are disrupted.  In particular,  when we are stressed, the adrenal glands work overtime, cortisol levels increase (think of the fight or flight response. The body is focussing on adrenal production to ensure there are adequate resources to run away or fight a threat, it is not directing energy balancing hormones.

There are now 34 symptoms officially associated with menopause which are shown below, plus a few others that should also be recognised:

  • Irregular periods
  • Hot flushes (affects 50% women)
  • Memory loss
  • Fatigue
  • Poor concentration
  • Night sweats
  • Libido changes
  • Mood swings
  • Panic disorder
  • UTI’s
  • Bloating
  • Hair loss or thinning hair
  • Sleep disorders
  • Weight gain
  • Dizziness
  • Incontinence
  • Headaches
  • Burning tongue
  • Digestive issues
  • Nausea, heartburn, constipation

  • Muscle tension
  • Allergies
  • Brittle nails
  • Itchy skin
  • Osteoporosis
  • Tingling extremities
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Breast pain
  • Joint pain
  • Electric shock sensation
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Asthma
  • Tinnitus
  • Other ear issues
  • Imbalanced cholesterol
  • Excess hair
  • Poor mineral absorption ….

We are all individuals and the menopause/PMT symptoms experienced are specific to you and can affect us all differently. It might be that you have consulted with your GP who has suggested HRT or the contraceptive pill to reduce the symptoms and this may not be the route for you.  Alternatively, having been prescribed either HRT or the pill the side effects are beginning to outweigh the benefits.

Looking back to school biology lessons you may recall that glands, including the ovaries, are the main producers of hormones.  The fact that the liver regulates the sex hormones, thyroid, cortisone and other adrenal hormones, is often forgotten. The liver transforms or removes excess hormones from the body but when the liver is unable to do this properly there is a risk of emotional imbalances.

The liver is one of the largest organs in the body. It is known to have at least 500 functions and it seems quite topical to mention that the liver is also an important organ when it comes to immunity. Our bodies are bombarded daily with multiple toxins, whether environmental or dietary, unintentional from too many treats.  This is something for consideration when hormone imbalances are apparent.

The increase of industrial farming and the significant use of artificial hormones has meant that traces of these hormones are found in the drinking water supply. The popularity of water filters does show that we are opting to make sensible choices about our drinking water but the court is out as to whether all filters can effectively remove hormones.  It might also be worth investigating whether your local authority adds fluoride to the water supply as this can have a negative effect on hormone function, particularly the thyroid.

Once through the menopause, in theory, the symptoms should stop but it seems that all too frequently they continue. It is possible for all the symptoms of the menopause to disappear but only to reappear some years later. New research from the University of Queensland has found that women who have hot flushes and night sweats after menopause are 70 per cent more likely to have heart attacks, angina and strokes.

Facts and figures can be a little depressing so we mustn’t forget how amazing our bodies are.  They do need a little help so in addition to taking a magnesium supplement there are three things that I would recommend:

Essential fatty acids - It might be that even mentioning the words essential fatty acid has caused you to stop reading.  These are simply the omega 3, 6 and 9 oils.  Fresh foods are the best sources, but we cook and process our foods which reduces the nutritional content.   Avocados, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, cold-pressed seed oils are good sources. Take care with fish: go for sustainable, shiny, silver, small, shellfish.

Essential fatty acid supplements are best in liquid form – hemp seed oil and evening primrose oil are particularly good for menstrual issues.

Fermented foodsEating fermented foods help us to absorb nutrients efficiently. Fermented food contain live cultures that increase the bio availability of nutrients.  They release minerals from the food we eat. Every culture is made up of a host of different cultures.

Sadly, YOGHURT IS NOT ENOUGH – yoghurt production is very controlled, there’s little diversity and with intensive farming too many artificial hormones are introduced. Diversity is the key – kefir for instance has more diverse cultures. Both yoghurt and kefir provide plenty of protein, calcium and B vitamins.  Kambucha is another good way of widening your intake of cultures but try not to be drawn into the overly sugary offerings.

Enhance your gut health - Women’s gut flora decreases sharply form mid 30’s, in particular Bifidobacterium. Bifidos help absorb B vitamins and protect against anxiety and low mood. The latest studies show that the right gut flora protect against depression. A good probiotic with a wide range of bifidos is recommended and my top tip is to change brands periodically as different brands contain different cultures.

Remember – our bodies are amazing!

We have incredible powers of resilience

The body knows how to heal itself

We are born with a strong or weak constitution

But we can strengthen or weaken what we were born with

Hormone imbalance is a vast subject and I could probably write a book rather than a blog on the subject.

Please get in touch by completing the contact form or giving me a call on 07709 227779 if you would like more information or to be gently guided through the hormone minefield.

Finding Balance, Feeling Better, Living More.

By using vitamins, minerals and enzymes in the herbs to rourish and rebuild your immune system, Homeobotanicals helps the body to rebuild and create a better sense of wellbeing.

Over the past 10 years or so there has been an explosion in our understanding of the digestive system and we are still only beginning to scratch the surface. Developments in how we can now analyse bacteria in the gut and the rest of the digestive system means that we are now able to see the systemic effect that bacteria has on the rest of our physiology. It is said that we have around 2-10 times the amount of bacteria in our body compared to the number of cells in our body, that’s a lot of bacteria.

Did you know...

  • 20% of the UK population suffers from IBS symptoms at some time during their lives, and 5% are chronic sufferers. It is more prevalent in females.
  • Laxative sales in the UK are multi million £’s per annum.
  • The ideal bowel transit time is less than 24 hours.
  • In adulthood, all our vitamin K needs are provided by our own bowel bacteria.
  • There are more bacteria present in the colon than there are cells that make up our own body.
  • The repercussions of poor bowel function may be seen throughout the body in a wide range of health problems.

If you have gut health problems, then there are a variety of products and that can help.  Book a consultation to find out more...